I would like to say that Lumen has been a lifesaver for the Fair Grove District.
We switched to Lumen from another vendor at the end of the first semester
several years ago due to issues with that vendor. I believe Lumen is the best
student information system available. They do not accept status quo; they listen
to school district needs and desires and are always looking for ways to provide
enhancements they believe will benefit school districts.
When you need help immediately, there is always a voice on the other end to assist you. Once, when I had an urgent need, I watched three programmers log into our system to solve the issue; all I can say is WOW. That personal, and professional touch, won me over as a lifetime user of Lumen. I guess you could say I am one of their biggest cheerleaders.
Thanks Lumen for an awesome system and service.
Julie Swadley,
Instructional Technology Specialist,
Fair Grove R-X School