Bright SuccessTM is a state-of-the-art, web based software solution that allows students, counselors, administrators
and mentors to collaborate on an integrated platform to guide students towards career and or college success.
This powerful solution manages the interactions, goals, projects, communications and accomplishments of
students as they are safely and systematically guided by their mentor(s) toward long-term achievement.
Bright success
Career Goals
Integrated Career Goal and Mentorship System
Bright SuccessTM is a state-of-the-art, web based software solution that allows students, counselors, administrators
and mentors to collaborate on an integrated platform to guide students towards career and or college success.
This powerful solution manages the interactions, goals, projects, communications and accomplishments of
students as they are safely and systematically guided by their mentor(s) toward long-term achievement.
College and career features provide countless resources that connect students to majors
Track student goals and projects with automated controls to track progress and to show updates
Mentor management that facilitates all pairing and communication between students and mentors within the application
All communication within the system provides students, faculty, mentors and parents a safe, monitored and secure
Lumen is the most cost effective and user friendly student information system on the market!